Kotlin Classes and OOP with Best Practice

kotlin classes

Welcome to a comprehensive exploration of Kotlin’s classes and objects — the backbone of modern software development. In this deep dive, we’ll talk about various class types, constructors, and visibility modifiers. What is Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)? OOP, or Object-Oriented Programming, is a…

Kotlin Infix Function and Inline Function

kotlin inline and infix function

What is infix functions in Kotlin? Infix functions allow you to call functions with a single parameter in a clean and expressive manner, improving the readability of your code. What are Infix Functions? Infix functions are a feature in Kotlin…

Kotlin Extension Function with Best Practice

What are Kotlin extension functions? Extension functions in Kotlin are like adding superpowers to objects without changing the original object. Let me explain it in a simple way: Imagine you have a toy car, and it can do some cool…

Kotlin Higher-Order Functions Comprehensive Guide Best Practice

Advanced Functions What are higher-order function in Kotlin? Advanced functions are like powerful tools in a magician’s arsenal. They allow programmers to create flexible, reusable, and elegant solutions in their Android applications. But before we dive into the magic, let’s…

Difference between Flow, Shared Flow and StateFlow in Android?

In Android development with Kotlin and Jetpack Compose, you often work with different types of data flows and observables to handle UI updates efficiently. Three commonly used options are Flow, SharedFlow, and StateFlow. Here, I'll provide a simple code example for each and explain every line of code for a non-technical person.

How to Use Hilt in Android? A Comprehensive Guide

Dependency Injection (DI) is a design pattern and a software development technique used in object-oriented programming to manage the dependencies between different components or objects in a more flexible and maintainable way. In a software application, various classes or components often need to collaborate and interact with each other. These interactions create dependencies, which can make the code less modular and harder to maintain