What is the Repository Pattern in Android? A Comprehensive Guide

The Repository Pattern in Android is a design approach that provides a structured and organized way to manage data access and manipulation. It serves as an intermediary between different data sources (like databases, network services) and the rest of the application.

What is ViewModel in Android? A Good Guide for Beginners

Ever started building an Android app and stumbled upon the word “ViewModel”? Don’t worry if it sounds like tech-talk from another planet. Think of ViewModel as your app’s expert organizer for handling data, even when your screen flips or things…

Full Guide to Android Development Tools in 2023

Android development tools streamline the process, enhance productivity, and ensure the final product meets high standards. In this guide, we'll explore the essential Android development tools that every developer should have in their toolkit

The 5 Most Common Android Memory Leaks

Memory Leak
What are the common android memory leaks caused by lifecycle complexities? - Since fragments entered our development world, they made some of our job simpler.